Welcome and join the conversation. I try to keep it real, share my views and hope they add value to the world : ) This is Steven.

Driving with my dad to see my grandma in Jamaica is a memory that sticks with me. I always remember seeing “mansions” under construction on the winding countryside roads.. They started one way and, years later,looked completely different— resembling Frankenstein’s special creations. Conversely, I also noticed that some of the most beautiful houses built t […]
Who do you want to be when you grow up? As far as I knew, I wanted to be a pilot! My actions, however, said otherwise by the time I got to high school. I was as nosey as Pinocchio.Tuned in to all the chatter in the classroom, I constantly searched for lurking opportunities to gain […]
On any given day, I have more to do than time permits. Bar none. On some days, I’m a great dad, a great employee, a great business owner, a great brother, a great son, a great pet owner, a great husband and a great friend. On no day am I more than maybe one to two […]
Ugggh! That “work for me ” reference ! I’ve been managing people for over 10+ years. Starting out, it was not easy. My first team was at Diageo where I was promoted to head the marketing intelligence team. It included folks who were my peers, some older than me. I also collaborated with them prior […]
Too busy for what? I often say I’m too busy to write, truth is I’m too busy not to. It’s a form of getting thoughts off the mind onto paper. It’s therapeutic, it’s necessary. I’ve thought back on the past to understand why I’ve always been so “busy”. The notion of being busy doesn’t always […]
Why Owning a “Phat” ride may be nothing more than….Fat Pride! Note: This is based on the Jamaican economy – written a few years ago but still applicable today. If I was going for a more traditional title it would probably be: “Why you should buy only as much vehicle as you need or can […]
The Business of Living I really tried with the title but this is as exciting as I could get about the subject. Really, how do you define this exciting life we live as “being a business?” I also know you’re thinking that anyone who starts to give a definition of life is usually some Aristotle […]